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Worksheet on Guide 1-2, CEB Study Bible 545-550

Worksheet on Guide 1-2, CEB Study Bible 545-550

Q Guide ch 1-2; CEB Study Bible 545-550 1. According to Wall and Castelo, what does it mean to view the Scripture as…

Q 2. According to the authors, what relevance does the Bible have for non-Christians? 3. Do Wall and Castelo believe the Bible ought to be read literally or figuratively? Explain. 4. According to the authors, what is the relationship between the Church, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible?5. According to Dr. Nienhuis, what are some of the risks associated with speaking about the metanarrative of the Bible?

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A. One – There is only one story being told by the Scripture as per the Bible. Moreover, the Scripture is about one true God. B. Holy – The Bible is the only holy guide for living a Christ-like life. There can be guidance obtained from the Bible for serving God and humanity. C. Catholic – There is presence of the characteristic of being nondenominational by the Scripture in the Bible. Therefore, any Christian can accept Scripture and understand God’s plan.